WORKSHOP LEADERS — Campfire Theatre Festival

Thank you for your interest in leading a workshop with Campfire Theatre Festival! We are accepting applications to lead workshops on a variety of theatrical topics. Each workshop is 50 minutes and will take place in the classrooms at Boise Contemporary Theater. If you are an expert on a theatrical topic and want to share your expertise with the Boise theatre community, then we want to hear your idea!

Workshop leaders will receive a full festival pass. To apply to be a Workshop Leader, please email with the following information:

  • Workshop Leader Name(s)

  • Email Address

  • Name of Workshop

  • Please give a brief description of what you plan for this workshop?

  • How many people will lead this workshop?

  • Are there any specific requirements, equipment, props, etc. needed to lead this workshop?

  • Do you have any scheduling conflicts during the festival (Sept. 6-8, 2019)?

  • How did you hear about Campfire? (If applicable, please give the name of the person who told you about Campfire)

Thank you so much, and we hope to work with you at Campfire 2019!